Congratulations to Jacob Schrot for becoming the new FGAC President

VDAC 4This past weekend, Jacob Schrot, David Stock, Christoph Rosenthal, and Julia Barthel were guests in Siegen to represent the IjT at the annual convention of the Federation of German-American Clubs e.V. (FGAC). This year’s convention was an important date for the IjT since a new presidential board was up for election and Jacob Schrot ran for the office of the president. Here is a short summary of the weekend in Siegen. The annual convention started off Friday evening with an informal get-together. This provided us with the opportunity to exchange ideas with other clubs about work and to discuss new project ideas. On Saturday, we participated in the membership convention, where amendments to the articles of incorporation and activities were discussed and the new candidates for the presidential board had an opportunity to present themselves and their agenda for the club. According to the motto “preserve and retain the well proven – but also establish the new without reservation”, Jacob announced his vision for the club. As president, he would strengthen the inner structures of the club and expand its dialogue and service platform. To the outside world, he pledged to establish the club as an information source in the area of the transatlantic relations. This agenda convinced the majority of delegates and so Jacob was able to win the vote for the new president of the FGAC. In his victory speech, Jacob highlighted that the upcoming tasks can only be managed together and with team work – the mix of experience and new dynamic is introducing a new area to the club. Saturday ended with a festive dinner and the ritual presentation of the VDAC U.S. exchange students On Sunday, Jacob led the first bureau meeting of the VDAC and together with the other newly elected board members laid the foundation for the content and structural reform process. Conclusion: A completely successful weekend and a great opportunity for the IjT and its partner the FGAC commonly shape the future of the transatlantic relations. Let’s shape the future together!