Get Together Regional Group Northern Germany

The next ‘Get Together’ of the regional group Northern Germany will take place in the beautiful city of Lübeck. René Marquardt, head of the JEF Schleswig-Holstein and IjT/YTI member Anna Lehné will discuss the topic “Chances, Challenges and Opportunities for U.S.—European Relations”. Afterwards, we will visit the Brauberger, a traditional brewery in Lübeck. Here are the facts:
Topic? Chances, Challenges and Opportunities for U.S.—European Relations
When? Wednesday, 25th of February 2015, 6:30 pm
Where? Lübecker Jugendring, Mengstraße 41, 23552 Lübeck
For all people from Hamburg: please meet at 4:45pm at the entrance/exit Mönckebergstraße/City of the Central Station Hamburg to take the train at 5:04 pm (RE) to Lübeck. For all people from Bremen: please meet at 4:00 pm at the entrance/exit City of the Hamburg Central Station to take the train at 16:18 pm (IC) to Lübeck. It is a 12-15 minute walk from Lübeck Central Station to the place where the event takes place. In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact our local IjT/YTI coordinator Andreas Dörich at andreas.doerich@junge-transatlantiker. We look forward welcoming many members and guests! All of our events are generally also open to non-members.