Bringing Silicon Valley to Germany

The U.S. General Consulate Leipzig and the FOM University of Applied Science hosted an event on entrepreneurial spirit on both sides of the Atlantic. Michael Goldberg, expert for economy, discussed the strengths of Silicon Valley and shared his perspectives on what Central Germany can learn from this remarkable success story. Goldberg argued that personal courage, an open start-up culture and a sound legal framework are key factors for an innovative economy. In contrast to Germany, the United States has realized that failure is always also an opportunity. The members of the Initiative junger Transatlantiker / Young Transatlantic Initiative engaged in a lively debate on cultural differences with regard to start-up culture. Reducing non-tariff barriers as part of the transatlantic free trade agreement under negotiation would offer many new chances to expand innovation and trade between both markets.

Wirtschaftsexperte Michael Goldberg (zweiter von links) mit Mitgliedern der Initiative junger Transatlantiker

Michael Goldberg (second from the left) with IjT / YTI members