Get Together Regional Group Baden-Wuerttemberg

“I never wanted to be a product of the environment I’m in. I wanted to influence that environment.”  (Jimmi Love at our ‚Get Together‘) On Saturday, 9th of May, the American-German Business Club and the Initiative junger Transatlantiker / Young Transatlantic Initiative hosted a ‚Get Together‘ in Stuttgart. In a casual atmosphere, we took a closer look at current topics in the transatlantic relationship, accompanied by an open and fruitful discussion on the foremost challenges and opportunities facing us today.
Our special guest, Jimmi Love, shared his unique perspective on German-American relations with us. The New Yorker is not only a passioned, internationally accomplished musician and well-known radio host at BigFM, but has also worked as a stockbroker. Jimmi told us about his very personal view on German-American topics and took a glance at TTIP. In this connection, his exiting and diversified past led him to some interesting statements about the impact of TTIP, especially on so called micro businesses.
All in all, his input animated the guests to think about economic participants that maybe do not receive a lot of attention at first sight. Following, we had a vivid conversation that lasted about three hours. We concluded the evening with a common dinner. In addition to what was an evening filled with an insightful and entertaining discussion, this was a great opportunity getting to know the AGBC! Get Together Baden-Wuerttemberg