Our regional group Northern Germany will meet in the end of April to discuss German-U.S. relations. This time, a German-American couple will talk about...
Our members Moritz Breckner and Philipp Roth debate on Indiana`s highly controversial Religious Freedom Law on our blog. Find their contributions here and scroll down for...
Von Philipp Roth In den letzten Wochen waren die U.S. Nachrichten voll mit Berichten über Indianas neuen “Religious Freedom Restoration Act”. Bevor ich ins...
Von Moritz Breckner Das sogenannte Gesetz zur Diskriminierung Homosexueller in Indiana hatte nie die Absicht, Homosexuelle zu diskriminieren, sondern vielmehr, ein Minimum an Religionsfreiheit...
On Tuesday, U.S. Ambassador John B. Emerson welcomed the presidents of APPPs, Initiative junger Transatlantiker / Young Transatlantic Initiative, and PPP Alumni e.V. at...
One day, you’ll proudly tell your grandchildren: I was there — at the legendary German-American Spring Break Party. Featuring: Domi & Momo (The Voice...
Our regional groups South-West and North Rhine-Westphalia will meet mid-April to discuss „Race Relations, Tolerance, Diversity, and Community Programs to Reduce Violence“ with Alex...